Impressive Benefits of Kalonji Seeds
Impressive Benefits of Kalonji Seeds
How Kalonji is beneficial in Diabetes:
1. Kalonji helps in reducing the blood sugar level. Add kalonji oil in black tea and consume it on emply stomach, it will be very effective for diabetic patients for maintaining their blood sugar level.
2. Before going to bed take one cup of black tea and mix half teaspoon of black seed oil in it. If your sugar level are normal stop taking the dosage.
For Heart and Veins
Mix halp teaspoon of kalonji(Black Seed oil) in any hot drink and take it in mornings, it will help to boost heart health and will also liquefy fats and will widen the veins and arteries
For Hypertension:
You can control hypertension naturally by having kalonji
1) Take half teaspoon of Black Seed oil with any hot drink at any time. Apply Black Seed oil to your whole body and expose it to the sun every three days, continue the treatment for a month.
2) Support weight loss
Take Kalonji seed with lukewarm water. It help in promoting weight loss and loosening the extra fat from the body.
Other health benefits
1) Boosts Memory
Kalonji seeds also help in increasing your memorizing power.
2) A Cough and Cold Remedy
If you add a few drops to your coffee or tea it can help calm the nervous system, dry cough, asthma, and bronchial respiratory complaints.
3) Strengthens Teeth
Kalonji is an excellent natural remedy to treat your dental diseases. It also helps you stop toothaches.
5) Cure Constipation
Kalonji, when consumed with black tea, can help you cure your constipation problem easily and more efficiently.
6) Cure Cracked Heels
Add one teaspoon kalonji oil in warm water and dip your feet in it. It will help to heal you cracked heels faster.
7) Boost Immune System
Kalonji seeds helps to boost your immune system.
8) Natural Pain Killer
Kalonji is also a natural painkiller with zero side-effects. You can apply kalonji oil on your forehead if you have headache.
9) Skin Problems
Kalonji help your skin to fight with acne, pimples, and other type of skin problems. You can apply it by mixing it in your facepack. It will give you a clean and glowing skin
Side-Effects & Allergies of Kalonji
If you consume Kalonji in small quantity it doesn't pose any side effects, but in large quantity it can lower your blood sugar level
Kalonji slows down the blood coagulation process so during or after surgery it is risky to have kalonji. If you consume Kalonji oil in unmixed form then it can lead to irritation in digestion system.
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